As a digital development house specializing in SMS solutions, we can do most anything.
Her får du et overblik over vores produkter, som alle er blevet til in-house på kontoret i Rialtobygningen.
If you need something specific, or specialized, or help selecting the right package please contact us.
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Denmark's most used SMS solution which is used widely across the country. is an out-of-the-box web-based administration system for sending and receiving SMS.
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SMS gateway
Choose between a 1-way or a 2-way SMS gateway for direct implementation in existing systems. We provide a full API and access to the administration page
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Outlook SMS-Plugin
With Computopic's Outlook SMS-Plugin, it is possible to send SMS’es directly from Outlook and at the same time receive the reply directly in the inbox. Furthermore, it is possible to send automatic notifications directly from Outlook's calendar.
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HTML Wrap | <a style="color: inher...

With a donation solution you can raise money for charities through SMS. We currently provide solutions for the largest NGOs in the country.
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Vi har mange års erfaring med udvikling af både store og små projekter, websites og webshops, integrering til diverse services og hardware samt udvikling af specialprojekter.
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HTML Wrap | <a style="color: inher...

At our hosting center we offer hosting of websites, web shops, PaaS solutions an web servers. We also offer payment gateways and solutions.
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