
Collect for your charity

Som godkendt forening eller organisation med velgørende formål, er det muligt, at indsamle donationer via SMS. Med få klik kan man sætte en donationsløsning op og vedligeholde den i vores donationssystem på

About donations


Donation by short codes and mobile phones is regulated by several Legislators. First and foremosth your organization must be approved by the Assessment Act. You may be pre-approved, in which case you can find your organization on the list of approved organization on SKAT’s home page. If you are not pre-approved you will have to apply.


If you are not pre-approved you have to obtain permission from the police department, which is done by contacting them in the municipality in which your latest financial statements were presented. Fill out this form and send it to the police department.


Rules and guidelines can be found at, og bør altid følges. I skrivende stund kan man indsamle op til DKK 370 ad gangen hvis man er medlem af ISOBRO og op til DKK 200 om måneden hvis man ikke er.


Subscriptions are paid for a year at the time. SMS is charged quarterly or monthly in arrears depending on volume. Donations are settled 75 days after the end of a given month.

Worth knowing

Sender alias

The sender alias is what shows up on your mobile phone as the sender når man modtager en SMS. Med en professionel SMS-gateway kan man anvende bogstaver, så afsenderen eksempelvis vises som: The Library.


The keyword is the first word in an SMS from a mobile phone to our gateway and identifies where the SMS is going. The keyword can be LIB, for example.

Short code

The short code is the number to which the user sends the SMS. Typically, in Denmark, it will be a 4 digit number, for instance 1910.

Along with the donation system all customers have access to, which is an advanced statistics and tracking site. Here you will be able to find sent SMS's and view delivery statuses for them.

Along with the donation system itself, all customers have access to where you can create, maintain an get an overview of your donations.


See our reference page for an overview of our many satisfied customersYou are welcome to contact us to get in contact with one of our customers, so you can hear about the many splendors of SMS donation stright from the horse's mouth.


Donation system

DKK 1.127,-
/month ex. VAT

Oprettelse: DKK 11.271,-

5 keywords
1 sender alias
Access to
Access to
Access to


Let's have a look together

If you have any questions about the product, would like documentation or need something specific do not hesitate to contact us - we can find a solution together.


Sender alias

DKK 169,-
/month ex. VAT

With an extra sender alias you can create separate identities for your subdivisions or services.


DKK 169,-
/month ex. VAT

With an extra keyword you can further divide traffic between your subdivisions or services.


Let's have a look together

Har du spørgsmål til produktet, eller behov for noget helt specifikt, så kontakt os, og lad os sammen finde en løsning til dig.

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